Are You Living or Just Existing?

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I’ve been thinking about a quote from Oscar Wilde: “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”

What this word “living” even means?

Are we living if we work from 9 to 5 every day, come home, relax in front of the TV and then fall asleep? Are we living more if we have a part-time job? What if we party every night? Or what if we travel every year? Are we living more if we devote our lives to raising children?

Are You Living Your Best Life?

Nobody can decide what is best for you and what kind of life you should be living. You are the one that gets to decide what living vs. existing means for you. You, and only you, get to decide what kind of life you want, what kind of life would make you happy and fulfilled.

But the question is are you living it?

Are you living your best life? Are you rising to your potentials? What’s holding you back if you’re not? What little or big step you can take today to change that?

“Cherish your yesterdays, dream your tomorrows and live your todays.”


I want to share with you a video by Prince Ea that motivates me every time I watch it. It is a beautiful reminder and inspiration.

Prince Ea – Everybody dies, but not everybody lives.


Mindfulness Digital Planner, Mindfulness Ebook, Mindfulness Workbook Online, Printable Mindfulness Journal, Digital Mindfulness Tools, Online Mindfulness Resources, Mindfulness and Gratitude Cards, Printable Affirmation Cards, Mindfulness Practice Guides, Downloadable Mindfulness Exercises, Digital Gratitude Journal, Mindfulness Techniques Ebook, Mindfulness Daily Planner, Mindfulness Activity Workbook, Guided Mindfulness PDF, Mindfulness Meditation, Mindfulness and Well-being Ebook, Printable Mindfulness Activities, Digital Mindfulness Course, Mindful Living Resources, Self-Care Mindfulness Planner, Mindfulness Meditation Workbook, Mindfulness Training Manual, Digital Mindfulness for Beginners, Interactive Mindfulness Journal, Mindfulness Affirmation Ebook

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